Friday 6 September 2013

We're The Millers

Once upon a time there was a drug dealer who couldn't afford to pay his debts. He is therefore forced into smuggling drugs across the Mexican border so creates his own family to help him succeed the impossible task. Made up of a stripper, a virgin, a runaway and himself the four of them come face to face with plenty of obstacles to keep you on the edge of your seats at times or head thrown back gasping for air from too much laughter. 
Rawson Marshall Thurber, director of 'We're The Millers' treats us to a modern, boundary pushing comedy that leaves you with a stitch in your side. 

Jason Sudeikis performs to distinction with his witty sense of humour but arrogant demeanour. But my fingers just want to type about Jennifer Aniston. My how she has changed! Going from a 'Friends' star she has become much naughtier on film, boys please hold on to your "helmets"! 'We're The Millers' shows off Aniston's talent for diversity, along with a lot more being shown off. She is fearlessly sexy and good on her I say. 
Will Poulter, for me, made that film. His role as Kenny, an awkward virgin with a heart of gold, was spot on. Hilariously funny but maintains a sympathetic vote from the audience throughout. Priceless. 
Even Emma Roberts adapts her usual squeamish teen girl into something else. I feel these four actors were completely stripped out of their comfort zone and boldly experimented playing a new role.  

The film on the whole was better than I expected. It was also a lot more shocking than I thought as the cast obliterate the fences between acceptable and pushing the limits. Most of it was based on an unrealistic story line but the plot was really entertaining and I laughed through pretty much all of it. 
I would definitely recommend this be on your September Cinema list. It's already on my Christmas list! 

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