Monday, 19 August 2013

A Blog is Born

Well Ladies and Gents it has taken me a while but, at long last, my new site is up and running. 
Here, on this blog, you will find reviews of films, books and bands. This is my new favoured thing to do and I couldn't think of a better place to do this than on a blog. I hope you enjoy and navigate your way around successfully using the handy tabs above. 

I have been passionate about writing for as long as I can remember, always keeping a diary, writing stories, poem and lyrics. It's been such a huge part of my life and now everything is online, I thought I would add my passion to the world wide web. 
For those of you who are keen to follow other blogs please see 'My Favourite Blogs' on the left hand side. I hope to hear lots from you all and I promise to answer any comments I receive as soon as I can, so please don't be shy and COMMENT.

If you know of a book you'd like me to read and review, a film you'd like me to watch and feedback on or a band you'd like me to listen to and comment on... please get in touch using the 'contact me' tab above. 

Anyway, thank you so much for visiting. I am proud of this mini masterpiece I've created. 

What mini masterpieces have you achieved that you proud of? 

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