Friday 30 August 2013

I have a question for you...

Today I am considering doing something to my blog. Hopefully making it better but also to make it helpful to anyone who is thinking about or currently writing stories/novels. 

The Big Idea
The aim is to have a tab inserted at the top which will take you to my hot tips on writing. As many of you may know I'm an avid writer, it's a big passion of mine to one day self publish a novel. And as I'm going through my process of writing, I'm stumbling across ideas and helpful information that I'd love to pass on to those in a similar boat. 

The Big Question
My question to you dear bloggers therefore, is do you think this is a good idea? 

Please leave your comments below or catch me on twitter @amieblinks 
I would love to know your opinion, especially if you to are on the path to starting/completing a novel. 

Thank you. 


  1. Hi lovely,

    I think tips would be a great idea for other writers. Perhaps you could ask well known authors on Twitter to partake as well?


    1. Hi Emma

      Thank you so much for your response :) What a great idea :) Maybe have a different author each week or something.. How exciting :D


  2. Good idea, Amie! Personally I'm always a bit wary of writing advice, because it's often quite contradictory, and I think it's better for writers to find their own path. But people are always looking for tips, and so there's no harm in sharing what you've learnt along the way. Look forward to reading it!

    1. Thank you Andrew. And I agree... Writers do their own things. But I'd like to help with generic tips :)
